PSA Nonprofit list (featured list)

We let you, the donor of the impression and click, pick the nonprofit we monetize on your behalf. Let us know which nonprofit you want and if they are on our list of 50+ causes we’ll give you their “handle” to embed within the utm_term= for example, utm_term=aspca.

Here is the list of featured nonprofits and the UTM_term code to use in order to preset the reader’s selection of nonprofit (for that session, if the visitor isn’t already registered).

Alzheimer’s Associationalz
American Cancer Societycancer
American Diabetes Associationdiabetes
American Heart Associationheart
American Red Crossredcross
Amnesty Internationalamnesty
Autism Speaksautismspeaks
Best Friends Animal Societybestfriends
Boys & Girls Clubs of Americabgca
Charity: Watercharitywater
Children’s Defense Fundchildrensdefense
Disabled American Veteransdav
Do Somethingdosomething
Elton John AIDS Foundationejaf
Environmental Defenseedf
Feeding Americafeedingamerica
General Fundgf
Habitat for Humanityhabitat
Human Rights Watch (HRW)hrw
Humane Society of the United Stateshumanesociety
Leukemia & Lymphoma Societylls
Little Kids Rocklittlekidsrock
March Of Dimesmarchofdimes
Mercy Corpsmercycorps
Miss America FoundationMissAmerica
Museum of Modern Artmoma
National Geographicnationalgeographic
National Urban Leaguenu
National Wildlife Federationnwf
Nature Conservancynature
Operation Smileoperationsmile
Pencils of Pomisepencilsofpromise
Rock The Voterockthevote
Save the Childrensavethechildren
Sierra Clubsierraclub
Smile Trainsmiletrain
Smithsonian Institutesi
Special Olympicsspecialolympics
St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospitalstjude
Stand Up To Cancer (Entertainment Industry Foundation)standuptocancer
Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundationkomen
Teach for Americateachforamerica
The Salvation Armysalvationarmy
United Wayunitedway (WaterPartners International)water
World Visionworldvision
World Wildlife Fundworldwildlife

If you have a nonprofit you want to support and you can deliver more than 2 million donated banner impressions a month, call Kevin @GivingForward at 212-678-2541.

Also call if you have any questions.

Ready to go? BANNER/LANDING PAGE OPTIONS: click one of the options below to go to the page to find the creatives in a variety of sizes

  1. Celebs and their pets
  2. FBI Corona Scam Warnings
  3. Wear a Mask
  4. Generic, link to Prez Hilton Promo